
mix #1 - electroencephalograph

a mix designed to turn your beta waves into alpha waves.
oscillating motorik beats contrast with comedown blues, sombre ambience and lulling human voices.
get yr slow-wave on.

1. chet baker - the thrill is gone
2. radiohead - packt like sardines in a crushd tin box
3. nathan fake - peary land
4. shocking pinks - this aching deal
5. primal scream - autobahn 66
6. the fun years - auto show day of the dead
7. léo ferré - la chanson du scaphandrier
8. this heat - sleep
9. the caretaker - von restorff effect
10. nina simone - i got it bad (and that ain't good)
11. the beta band - al sharp
12. holden - 10101
13. klimek - for marvin gaye & russel jones
14. high places - from stardust to sentience
15. new order - dreams never end
16. spacemen 3 - big city (everybody i know can be found here)
17. pyramids - the echo of something lovely
18. leadbelly - goodnight irene

download via sendspace

the internet...

...it still exists! i naturally assumed in my absence it would just decay and wither in the ether, unable to cope with the loss of one of it's many billion unnecessary bloggers. but i have returned, to resuscitate it from its lifeless stupor and make it somewhat readable.
after my computer started to fail to do the most basic of tasks (start up Windows) i had to get the whole thing gutted and stuffed again. and it's in brand spanking new working order - at least it is until all the programs i willingly download then never use (Google Earth? wtf) clog its pores and it goes catatonic again. until that day, i'm going to try and post as many entries as i can, hopefully at a more regular rate than last year.
it's been almost two and a half months since my last post, the first half of a year-end list of things that i dug the most. i'll not be continuing with that, as it's now march - and my ears, eyes and brain are so oversaturated with new media that to dwell even further on 2008 would be counterproductive, and probably cause some kind of tumor. look out for posts over the next couple of days on new music i'm obsessing over, and a mixtape or two of some old favourites. i'll still be posting my photography from the past couple of months when i get the chance - if you can't wait 'til then (who can?) then here is my flickr link - http://www.flickr.com/photos/_washingmachine/
it's good to be back, i suppose.